"간호대학생 웰니스 향상을 위한 PAVING 프로그램의 효과"
"Effects of the PAVIG Program on Enhancing Wellness in Nursing Students"
학습목표(Learning Objectives)
간호대학생의 웰니스 상태에 대한 실태를 조사한다.
PAVING 웰니스 프로그램의 12가지 요소를 이해한다.
간호사 및 의료인에게 미친 웰니스 개선효과에 대한 기존 연구를 검토한다.
PAVING 웰니스 프로그램을 대한민국 일 간호대학생에게 적용하고 그 효과를 평가한다.
Survey on the wellness status of nursing students in Korea.
Understand the 12 elements of the PAVING wellness program.
Review previous research on the impact on wellness improvement for nurses and healthcare professionals.
Apply the PAVING wellness program to nursing students in South Korea and evaluate its effectiveness.
Aim This study examined the effects of the wellness program for nursing students. Method The program was constructed to reflect the conceptual framework of the PAVING THE PATH TO WELLNESS Wheel. PAVING include physical activity, attitude, variety, investigation, nutrition, goals, also STEPS(stress management, time outs, energy, purpose, sleep, social connection), totally 12 elements. Research was conducted following the principle of one group pre-post design. The measurement tool used the Paving Wheel (Beth Frates, 2000) to measure individual wellness. The total score is 60 points, and the higher the score, the higher the wellness. Data was collected pre and post times First, we investigated the wellness status of nursing students by surveying all first-year students. Next, we conducted an intervention program in small groups centered on those who wished to participate in the PAVING wellness program. The program title was 'Health body, peaceful mind'. It was conducted over a total of 6 sessions, and each session lasted 2 hours and consisted of education, individual goal setting, discussion of implementation strategies by education topic, and writing individual reflection journals. The education topics for each session were physical activity, nutrition, stress management, sleep, and social relationships, which had low scores in the nursing college survey. Result Nursing students’s total wellness score was a average 3.57 of 5, physical activity is 3.05, stress management 3.02, attitude 3.86, time-out 3.75, variety 3.47, energy 4.09, investigate 3.55, goals 3.93, nutrition 3.16, sleep 3.03, purpose 3.49, social connection 3.72. There were significant differences between groups in physical activity(t=-6.03, p=.000), sleep(t=-4.22. p=.001), variety(t=-2.47, p=.031). time-out(t=-2.12, p=.05). Conclusion As a result, there were significant differences between groups in physical activity, sleep The PAVING wellness program was effective in improving the wellness of nursing students.
김향동 박사
PAVING Wellness Intervention for Nursing Students
계명문화대학교 간호학과 교수
한국호스피스협회 연구소 부소장
한국목회간호선교협회 이사
영성과 보건복지학회 학술이사